Back in the saddle again...
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Back in the saddle again...
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Back in the saddle again...
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Back in the saddle again...
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Back in the saddle again...
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Günter Wamser

One morning in Tierra del Fuego. Everything was packed and ready to go, I swung into the saddle and rode north, into an unknown country, into an adventure. For the first time I realized what I was about to do.

In the evening I noted in my diary: my dream is about to come true. We are on the long way to Alaska. 4-5 years is what I had planned for the journey, but the journey became my way of life. 20 years later I reached my destination: Alaska.

Günter Wamser

The decision was intuitive and spontaneous. I wanted to go! In 2007 I joined Günter on his long ride. Together we rode through the USA, Canada and Alaska.

Sonja Endlweber

Sonja Endlweber

From Tierra del Fuego to Alaska

20 years travelling with horses - a way of life


the whole story


So what comes next? Now that the great journey from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska is complete?
We have realized many a dream since our arrival in Alaska. And sometimes we were simply tempted by a little adventure

But now, in 2022, we have something very special planned:

We want to ride 3.500 miles horseback across Americas Wild West to finally bring the horses home to Germany - THE LONG RIDE HOME. A crazy idea or a dream? Maybe.

Walt Disney once said: Everything you can dream of, you can live.
We wish you the strength and courage to realize your own dreams.


Our Presentations

Come along on a journey that has become our way of life!


Become part of the story


Der Abenteuerreiter
Im Wilden Westen
Die Magie des Weges
Rocky Mountains
DVD Feuerland bis Alaska


with Günter Wamser & Sonja Endlweber

SWR2 | 30.04.2023
Zwei Hüte, vier Pferde, ein Hund


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Günter Wamser and Sonja Endlweber
Office Abenteuerreiter

Obere Müssing 8
97896 Rauenberg

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +49 9377 1588
Fax: +49 9377 929 300

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